Convert More With Biometric UX Analysis

UX biometric research to dive deeper into CRO

UX with biometrics and conversion optimisation

An eCommerce site for the brand Pash Classics who have been active with marketing for over 10 years and still looking for even more conversion optimisation and improved UX.


Category: UX biometric research
Date: 2022
Client: Pash


In a competitive market of eCommerce and furniture, the client is always looking to improve sales. Conversion optimisation is one area that has had some CRO experiments in the past but needed a more strategic approach.

Drawbacks to lots of A/B testing is time to implement and web development costs.

Most eCommerce websites already have a long list of planned ongoing development, either front-end visuals or back admin necessity or security maintenance planned.

So not only are time and budgets a concern, it is juggling other important actions and the availability of developers to action any marketing CRO requests.

ux problem

Biometric user research

The faster we can find the best recommendation for CRO experimentation, the sooner we can see results. Producing higher year-end sales figures.

Providing evidence of issues will help ensure our recommendation receives approval and development priority.

Understanding how users interact with the website, including a comparison to 2 competitors’ websites, will provide us with more evidence and potentially reduce costs on other planned development.

Main comparison points for improvement (proposed):
Ease of menu bar navigation (how effective is the information architecture)
Ease of adding a product to the cart (how many steps/how long it takes)
Emotional response to menu area and other web sections



We used biometric analysis of eye movement and facial recognition to discover emotions across the carefully planned study with x120 of the client’s target demographic.

In short, the findings discovered were mostly a very positive emotional experience for our client’s website. Which pushed back client plans for some other larger web development work as we had proved users were already getting a better experience than chosen competitors.

This evidence gave confidence to the marketing team and client to focus on the very specific areas of the navigation and checkout. Making faster implementation with smaller rounds of conversion experimentation.


We used biometric analysis of eye movement and facial recognition to discover emotions across the user journey compared to competitors.

The big 2 standouts need focus:

Navigation, particularly the Mega menu
Smaller pain points in the basket/checkout

We worked on detailed conversion experiments to gradually roll out over 3 months.

The conversion results:

Abandonments were reduced by 14.29%
User flow to basket increased by 23.3%

The impact:
Over 14% of extra sales/conversions due to plugging a hole lost sales if different actions were taken or no actions based on the next 12 months. (Tip work this out on your own eCommerce revenue and how 14% would look in £s)
Thousands saved on short-term web development.
Zero extra advertising spend.
Lifetime value and customer evangelists can be estimated at £2 million!

Remember this is 1 round of UX & CRO on an already heavily optimised website.

Time frame
3 months
Conversion rate
emotional response

“Lnet Digital have a passion and understanding of Digital Marketing and have been instrumental in our online growth. An incredibly approachable and flexible agency to work with, who I highly recommend.”

Aaran Hall
Pash Classics