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The easy guide on how to improve low Ad Rank on Google Ads

“Here’s everything you need to know about Ad Rank, why it matters, and how you can improve a low Ad Rank on Google Ads in 5 simple steps.”  So let’s start from the very beginning – we all know the basics of Ad Rank, right? The specific position that your Ad has on Google’s paid […]

How to write persuasive copy for your landing pages to drive more sales

“Gotta write persuasive copy for your landing pages to grab the attention of your customers, but don’t know where to start?” Well, we’ve all been there!  Maybe you’re a fresh-faced copywriter who’s just getting started or a very busy marketing manager that can’t seem to manage all their tasks during a typical workday. But somehow, […]

What is SERP? Search Engine Results Pages Explained

Nowadays, every business aims to rank in the first position on Google’s SERP, and there are plenty of reasons why. Being on top of the Google SERP assures that your website will get a lot of clicks, therefore increasing your website’s CTR. Being highly ranked on SERP also creates an instant credibility boost in your […]

SEO Copywriting vs SEO Content Writing: What’s the difference?

In the world of digital marketing, there is a question that has popped up time and time again, especially within SEO communities, and that is, “What is the difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing?”  Let us tell you that the difference between these two terms matters, as both types of writing can bring […]